Tool #3: Cooperation matrix  

Description of the tool:

The cooperation matrix map feasible cooperation mechanisms among stakeholders leading to the establishment of Smart Re-Use parks. Therefore, the matrix describes all possible synergies and combinations between public authorities, private companies and social enterprises in order to implement and manage Smart Re-Use Parks at functional urban level. Furthermore, it can assist in the appropriate selection process of the network.


How to use it:

a) word-version:

1.            Partner List: Identify the partners involved in, or interested in a cooperation in your FUA, and assign them to the public, private or social sector. Describe here also briefly the normal working field of the identified institutions outside of your SRP network and describe which task this institution should assume or take over within the framework of the cooperation of your SRP.

2.            Matrix: Define the contributions that the partner brings to the cooperation and the synergies that arise for the partner or cooperation. To do this, select the number from the dropdown in the Matrix defined for the respective contribution or the synergy in the list of contributions and synergies. From the dropdown, also select the status active, not active or desired for the listed cooperation partners.


b) excel-version:

1.            Partner List: Identify the partners involved in, or interested in a cooperation in your FUA, and assign them to the public, private or social sector. Write the names in the vertical and horizontal fields. Add or remove rows and columns as much as you need.

2.            Matrix: From both perspectives of each partnership you can define the contributions (choose from 18 options). To do this, write the number of synergy in the relevant field of linked cooperation partners. By using either rows or columns of each single cooperation you can highlight also different perspectives of partner A and B. Furthermore, you can use the colour code (green, yellow, red) to show the current status of cooperation.