RREUSE Social and Circular Outlook 2020-2025

RREUSE is an international network representing social enterprises active in re-use, repair and recycling.

RREUSE members currently divert around 1 million tonnes of goods and materials on an annual basis from landfill through re-use, repair and recycling, generating a combined turnover of 1,2 billion EUR.
In 2018, RREUSE members active in re-use extended the lifespan of 214 500 tonnes of products, counterbalancing the average CO2 emissions of approximately 108 000 EU citizens.

Environmental services, including those of re-use and repair, enabled 850 social enterprises federated by RREUSE’s wider network to fulfil their social mission, which for the most part includes the provision of work opportunities, training and support services for disadvantaged individuals.
There are approximately 95,000 employees, volunteers and trainees engaged in the activities of RREUSE’s 27 members spanning 25 European countries and the USA.

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Social Outlook 1
Social Outlook 2