Training on “Module 5: Communication plan for SRP's” in Austria
On Wednesday 4th of March 2020, roughly 20 stakeholders represented on the platform “” participated at the SRP training with the focus on “communication and marketing for Re-Use activities” at the Werkstätte Wattens (Schwaz, AT). The online platform represents the Tyrolean Smart Re-Use-Park.
The training started with an overview of the SURFACE project, followed by an introduction round of all attending stakeholders. Next point on the agenda was the theoretical part of the training during which trends for target group specific marketing in the area of Re-Use were presented. The goal was to offer practical tools and show possible positive outcomes of marketing activities in the field of re-use.
After a discussion session of the presented content and a joint networking lunch a guided tour through the fablab of the Werkstätte-Wattens and an “hands on workshop” followed. The aim was to illustrate possible Re-Use, recycling and upcycling activities within a communication and marketing strategy. The highlight of this tour was the laser cutter, which was used to give old products a new branding and thus a new life cycle (e.g. as an idea for re-use give-aways).
More information on the training can be found here: