SYNERGY Final Conference
21.10.2020, 13:00-16:00, virtual on SYNERGY Interreg-Project YouTube Channel
We cordially invite all interested stakeholders to participate in the Final Conference of the SYNERGY project (SYnergic Networking for innovativeness Enhancement of central European actoRs focused on hiGh-tech industry), which will be held on 21th October 2020 in a virtual meeting via the SYNERGY YouTube channel.
The SYNERGY project has focused on improving sustainable linkages among different stakeholder target groups of the innovation systems to jointly strengthen the regional innovation capacities in Central Europe over the entire duration of the project.
- The final conference will be the opportunity to share the knowledge of 3-year SYNERGY project, including the project’s Synergy Platform for crowd innovation.
- We will walk you through our experiences with new possibilities of crowdfunding for research and crowdsourcing for innovation, and indicate to how to use SYNERGY for your new cooperation, how to build living networks and how to support regions in Open Innovation.
- In addition to focusing on the project itself, we will suggest how regions can benefit from SYNERGY in the future.
The conference will be very diverse, with representatives of all the different stakeholder target groups from academia, industry, politics, business development and the general public from across Central Europe.
Registration should be made via The participation is free of charge and the link to participate in the Final Conference will be provided after the registration.
- Find more information in the following Invitation Leaflet (in English):
- Invitation Leaflet SYNERGY Final Conference
We are very much looking forward to welcoming you at the Final Conference!