Winner of the SYNERGY Pilot Action “Vouchers for developed Solutions of Research Projects – related to COVID-19” – Results of the first Evaluation Round
- From April to June 2020, the SYNERGY team carries out the Online Pilot Action “Vouchers for developed Solutions of Research Projects – related to COVID-19” bringing together different actors involved in the COVID-19 emergency situation to jointly developed new technical solutions to new challenges arising from the pandemic. We are delighted to announce the winner of the first round of the submissions, which ended on May 17th, based on the results of the evaluation.
- The winner of the voucher is M. Špiranović who developed an amazingly innovative and creative solution to the challenge called "COVID-19 - Call for potential solutions for encouraging physical distancing between children in school" through the collaboration on our SYNERGY platform.
- The Challenge:
- The objective of the proposed challenge submitted to the SYNERGY platform as part of the pilot action was to find an effective solution for the Elementary School of Matija Petar Katančić in Valpovo, Croatia, to carry out classes in compliance with the safety measures required in the corona crisis, especially physical distancing.
- The Solution:
- The proposed solution encourages physical distancing between children in school with the help of an electronic device, called Distancer 2M, that uses light and sound effects to indicate that a person is breaching the minimal distance of 2m from another person to avoid the spread of the Coronavirus. The Distancer 2M is a simple electronic device that is harmless, easy to use, safe and durable and is perfect for use in schools and other environments, while providing tremendous support in maintaining physical distance in challenging pandemic times.
- The 3.000 EUR voucher is used for the development of the Distancer 2M, whereby the first prototypes have already been developed.
- The product has even been featured in the Croatian media - read more in the articles below:
- Novilist:
- SiB HR:
- Glas Slavonije:
- The collaboration is on a good way ahead! Congratulations to the Winner!
- #Cooperationiscentral

SYNERGY Pilot Action Winner Distancer 2M; Image Source: Distancer 2M / M. Špiranović