SYNERGY Team at Additive Manufacturing Meeting 2019
- Members of the WrUST Synergy team took part in the 3rd edition of AMM 2019 - Additive Manufacturing Meeting. The International Conference of Additive Manufacturing Users’ that was held on September 18-19 at Politechnika in Wroclaw, Poland. Two days of AMM2019 Conference were filled with 26 talks, young scientists’ poster session with 24 posters, 2 workshops and technical exhibition that gathered 155 participants from research and industrial institutions (57% industrial share) from over the world: Poland, Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Finland, Ireland, Germany, Portugal, Russia, Singapore. Such diversity of participants lead to fruitful conversations and exchange of AM experience between research, industry and AM companies.
- The first day of the conference was fully packed with different talks. The second day of the conference started with partners workshops handled by 3YOURMIND and SLM Solutions. Young Scientists Poster Session as well as lab tour were busy, crowdy and drew a lot attention from participants, letting guests better to know each other. The last two sessions were focused on applications and different business models.
- Numbers of AMM 2019
- 155 participants,
- 13 exhibitors,
- 13 partners,
- 26 talks,
- 1 Young Scientist Poster Session with 24 posters,
- 2 workshops,
- 1 networking session – afrikarium tour and dinner at the ZOO restaurant.