SYNERGY international workshop held at KIT
SYNERGY international Design Thinking and Simulated Sharing workshops was held at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) on the 25th of September 2018. More than 40 stakeholders form different high-tech sectors together with the consortium members participated at this fruitful event. Participants gained practical knowledge about the use of the innovative infrastructure sharing models and the Design Thinking approach. The participants acquired this knowledge in the process of designing requirements and expectations for the new SYNERGY Crowd Innovation Platform that will be developed as a part of the SYNERGY project.
The workshop was practice-oriented due to incorporated group activities and moderated discussions on a real-life project. It was also an opportunity for participants to network and connect with other innovation actors from the different partner regions of Central Europe and to exchange ideas and explore novel cooperation opportunities. SYNERGY project consortium members highly appreciate the valuable input acquired at the workshop that will contribute to the design of the platform.