Saxon Day of Telemedicine:  Saxony‘ s politicians support digitalLIFE4CE

Leipzig, 17th September 2018

Saxony’s Minister of Health Barbara Klepsch and Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer welcomed over 400 participants from the fields of health, politics and science on 17. September 2018 at the "Saxon Day of Telemedicine" in Leipzig.  Among 25 projects, digitalLIFE4CE was selected as one of the highlighted projects in the field of digitization in healthcare and telemedicine that were presented at the event.

"Telemedicine can make an important contribution to ensuring good medical care at a high level throughout the country. The Free State of Saxony supports medical research and innovative care services. It's about expanding telemedical services." said Minister President Michael Kretschmer.

His colleague, Health Minister Barbara Klepsch supported this mindset by saing:  "Telemedicine is for me an important component in the comprehensive provision of medical care. We are only at the beginning with development. After the relaxation of the long-distance treatment ban, we can achieve more for the patients. To do this, together with partners from the healthcare sector, we have to develop corresponding projects that will make everyday life easier for many patients. "

In this content digitalLIFE4CE project partners Rebecca Winter, HEALTHY SAXONY – VFG e.V., and Beatrice Blankschein, Gesundheitsforen Leipzig GmbH, presented the InterregCE project at the event and had the opportunity to introduce the project personally to Prime Minister Kretschmer and Minister Klepsch. Both Ministers were very interested in the project activities and showed their support for the project achievements in Saxony.

Rebecca Winter with Saxony's Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer and Minister Barbara Klepsch © SÄCHSISCHES STAATSMINISTERIUM FÜR SOZIALES UND VERBRAUCHERSCHUTZ

Rebecca Winter presents digitalLIFE4CE to Saxony's Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer and Minister Barbara Klepsch at "Saxon Day of Telemdicine" on 17. September 2018 in Leipzig.

digitalLIFE4CE is a project funded by Interreg Central Europe. Nine partners from seven countries work together and are looking for novel solutions in the field of digital integrated  healthcare systems. The fragmentation of the health care system as well as weak cooperation between relevant actors negatively affect regional authorities, care providers and citizens in many regions of central Europe. To answer these weaknesses, the project brings together policy makers, experts from research and development and actors relevant for implementation. Their goal is to make digital healthcare solution accessible for the citizens of Central Europe for providing the best healthcare on the market. The project is funded  from May 1st 2017 till October 31st 2019 and co-financed by ERDF with 1.274.752,00 Euro. It aims to implement additional projects in partner regions afterwards to maintain the goal of the project. digitalLIFE4CE project team consists of  University of Applied Sciences Burgenland (AT), HEALTHY SAXONY - Association for Promoting the Healthcare Business e.V. (DE) ,Healthcare Forum Leipzig GmbH (DE), Bruno Kessler Foundation (IT), Autonomous Province of Trento (IT), Technology Park Ljubljana Ltd. (SI), Pannon Business Network Association (HU), STEP RI Science and Technology Park of the University of Rijeka Ltd. (HR) and Wrocław Technology Park (PL).

For further information please visit

 by Rebecca Winter