Representative of the Lead Partner of the URBAN INNO project Tina Ragužin will be participating in the Smart Regions 2.0 Conference that will be held in Helsinki, Finland, June 1-2, 2017.
The event will provide the opportunity to share experience between projects supported by the European Structural Investment Funds and other EU programmes and policies in the areas of research, industrial policy, education and skills. It will enable project promoters to learn from experience in other regions and find cooperation partners across EU in areas such as energy, agri-food, industrial modernization, cybersecurity, health, and the maritime industry.
As well as highlighting best practice and lessons learnt, there will be an opportunity to debate the future of innovation in the context of European regional development with senior representatives from the European institutions and national and regional governments. The conclusions of the discussion will be an important contribution to the discussion on the future of Cohesion Policy post-2020.
Within the Smart Regions 2.0 Conference Workshop ‘Moving towards smart specialization 2.0 - added value of cooperating in project platforms’ will be held, which will present and discuss the idea of establishment of project platforms as a framework for cooperation of core partners of projects funded by Interreg Baltic Sea Region and other funding programmes in order to strengthen the impact of projects’ outcomes in the selected thematic field. It involves cooperation with further stakeholders of that thematic field beyond project partnerships. Tina Ragužin, as URBAN INNO project representative, together with representatives from EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, RIS3 Platform, ERDF network on the implementation of the EUSBSR, Interreg Programmes and projects will discuss the options and functionalities of the project platforms.