Simulated Crowdfunding Workshops February 2020
The pilot action on "Simulated Crowdfunding" was successfully completed - find more information on the results in the following news article... >> READ MORE - Winners of the SYNERGY Pilot Action on Simulated Crowdfunding...
Beginning of February 2020, the SYNERGY Project Team is conducting seven regional workshop/networking events on "Simulated Crowdfunding". Participants get the opportunity to learn more about alternative funding mechanisms such as Crowdfunding and acquire hands-on-experience on the workings of a Crowdfunding campaign in a simulated Crowdfunding pilot action.
In addition to testing the recently published Synergic Crowd Innovation Platform (SCIP), the participants will receive high-quality feedback on their project ideas and connect to other innovation actors and potential new business and cooperation partners.
The best & most successful projects will be awarded a voucher to the value of €2000 that can be used for different services like consultancy, training, business plans, market analysis, research ordering and a lot more.
Who Should Participate
All people interested in the topic of crowdfunding, in particular related to the hightech-sector: Higher Education & Research, Large Enterprises, SMEs, Start-ups, Business Support Organisations, Student Groups, General Public…
Campaign Giver
Publish your project idea as a crowdfunding campaign on the Synergic Crowd Innovation Platform (SCIP) and learn more about crowdfunding. During the Simulated Crowdfunding Workshop, investors will have the chance to invest in your project. SYNERGY project awards a voucher to the 5 first projects that have reached the assumed budget goal.
Be part of the SYNERGY Simulated Crowdfunding Workshop and invest in the best ideas with fake money. Experience how crowdfunding mechanism are working, how you could use it in your organization and how you can benefit from it.

What we offer
- Raise money for your project
- Get high-quality feedback at an early stage on your project idea
- Increase awareness for your project idea and chances of success
- Communicate directly with your potential investors
- Connect to other innovation actors, business or cooperation partners
Win a Voucher
Win the voucher to the value of €2000 for the best project which can be used for different services like consultancy, training, business plans, market analysis, research ordering and a lot more.
Event Dates
To register for the regional events, please get in touch with the local SYNERGY team representatives:
- 05.02.2020 - Wroclaw, Poland registration via WrUST,
- 11.02.2020 - Chemnitz, Germany registration via MERGE,
- 12.02.2020 - Karlsruhe, Germany registration via KIT,
- 12.02.2020 - Vignola, Italy registration via CRIT,
- 13.02.2020 - Steyr, Austria (NEW DATE) registration via Profactor,
- 13.02.2020 - Rijeka, Croatia registration via StepRI,
- 13.02.2020 - Ljubljana, Slovenia registration via JSI,

- Contact Information:
- If you have any questions, you can contact us via the following e-mail address or via the communication functions on the platform