One step ahead to circular urban water management in Split 


Split: open disscussion online

23 participants from the area of Split gathered in August to disscuss the topics related to the Strategy:

  • Methodology for developing the FUA Split Circular City Water Management Strategy,
  • Analysis of the situation at the level of FUA Split,
  • Vision, strategic and specific goals
  • Indicators of the Strategy

The participants received a detailed explanation about the project output vision and strategy building and approaches that will be performed. As a first step of involvement, the stakeholders were invited to share their ideas and opinions about the main challenges in the area, desired future vision, and possible solutions were presented and circulated after the meeting.
The participants were very satisfied with the presented materials and lectures. During the discussion at the very end of the workshop and meeting, the stakeholders have concluded that the materials are very well adapted to local Split FUA needs.

The goals of the meeting were met. The turnout was very good, including a total of 23 participants, stakeholders. After the meeting, the participants expressed their interest to receive the presentations and lectures, which we shared after the event.

The work will be continued at the next stakeholter meeting.