Spotlight on: transfer and capitalisation in Burgenland and Hungary within CARE4.0
Pinkafled, 2. April 2019
The digitalLIFE4CE network alliance is transferring digitalLIFE4CE outcomes and the AAL-Welten-Modell to a follow-up project. The newly project CARE4.0 will be submit to the next Interreg AT-HU call in Summer 2019. The project concept was developed within the framework of the digitalLIFE4CE project and several digitalLIFE4CE outcomes will be the starting base for the new project. CARE4.0 will re-use and adapt project tools as well as the AAL-Welten-Modell will be transferred and further developed.
The capitalization process aims to disseminate and anchor the results, like the AAL-Welten Modell and gained project knowledge. In addition, it is very important to anchor the digitalLIFE4CE network to complementary projects and existing EU structures. In order to achieve these goals the University of Applied Sciences and the Pannon Business Network Association started to organize the first capitalisation meetings with stakeholders to ensure long lasting usage and sustain anchoring of digitalLIFE4CE project outcomes. Bilateral meetings were organised with “Hansa Privatklinikum” in Graz and with “Haus der Barmherzigkeit” and “Akademie für Altersforschung“ in Vienna. Additionally in the next weeks bilaterial meetings in Hungary will be organised. Moreover, Peter J. Mayer took the opportunity to present the current project status at the Internationalisation Platform of Burgenland on 27. March 2019, with aim to raise awareness in the region of Burgenland.
In conclusion, the capitalisation meetings and the systematic capitalization process is supporting the regional anchoring and foster the sustainability of the digitalLIFE4CE outcomes. The re-use of outputs is a good opportunity for the follow-up project CARE4.0 to continue the work done so far and to further foster inter-institutional networks in Central Europe, because cooperation is central!
by Alexandra Weghofer