Mobility team is the guarantee for the feasible and effective measures
Budapest (Hungary), 9. January 2018 - Stakeholder involvement in Workplace Mobility Plan development.
In the Hungarian region, Budapest University of Technology and Economics (furthermore BME), as MOVECIT project partner undertook the task to elaborate three Workplace Mobility Plans. The partners were the City Hall of Békéscsaba, the Centre for Budapest Transport (furthermore BKK) and the BME Faculty of Transportation Engineering and Vehicle Engineering (furthermore BME KJK).
Setting up Mobility Teams in each location guaranteed that feasible and effective measures were planned. The stakeholder meetings were also capable to raise awareness of sustainable transport modes. On the one hand, during the planning processes, all stakeholders understood that changing commuting habits is an effective way to handle mobility problems of their cities. As they are representative actors of their institutions, they must show good examples.
Stakeholder meetings had the same characteristics in Hungarian sites, and had the same effects and impacts also. The effects and impacts can be summarized in three groups:
- The first events were essential to deeply understand what are behind the statistics. The spoken details during free discussions had as significant effect on the planning process as the online surveys. The better understanding of the current situations brings an impact on the effectiveness of the measures.
- All events were also raising awareness campaigns: every attendant analysed their own commuting habits during discussions, and it influences conscious travel mode choice.
- Since all the measures thoroughly discussed on these meetings, a preliminary commitment has been established towards the measures. In some case, planners perceived significant resistance against suggested measures, so these measures were rejected.

1st photo is from BME meeting and 2nd from Békéscsaba meeting.