Having Workplace Mobility Plan without the employees input is worthless
Moravske Toplice (Slovenia), 22. January 2018 - Stakeholder involvement in Workplace Mobility Plan development.
The meetings have been important for engaging the stakeholders into the process, to be part of the development of Workplace mobility plan (WMP) and to disseminate a positive information on WMP among other employees in Municipality of Ljutomer (Slovenia). But the original idea to include them into the mobility team has been to obtain the information and feedback. Their opinion worth and should be considered to make the commitment on the WMP approval and implementation bigger.
There were several meetings, each meeting was related to the specific WMP phase. It corresponded to the specific content. Development agency Sinergija led the meetings, moderated the debate, guided the participants and the employees obtained the useful input for development of the WMP.
By having the stakeholder meetings, the mobility team was given the opportunity to express their point of view. They were aware of the process and be also part of this process. The moderators are needed to guide the conversation and the work flow. Having WMP without the employees input is worthless. They are the key component of the planning, the measures which have been selected have the wider and joint consensus and will be easily implemented.