Successful Workshop on Post-Processing in Additive Manufacturing at KIT
Karlsruhe. Insights into post-processing in AM. From the 12th November to the 16th November 2018, the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) hosted the fifth PAM2 workshop on post-processing in Additive Manufacturing (AM) in Karlsruhe, Germany. 15 Early Stage Researchers from within leading universities and companies located in Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands, UK, Germany, Austria and Italy came together to learn more about post-processing for metal AM, functional 3D printing and implementation strategies for AM within the Automotive industry.
The workshop was jointly organised by the Institute for Automation and Applied Informatics (IAI) and the Institute for Applied Materials (IAM) at KIT. The PAM2 team at KIT was supported by experts from within KIT as well as external experts from the University of Applied Sciences of Karlsruhe and the Hochschule Aalen who provided input on the latest strategies for implementation and integration of metal AM by leading automotive companies and also spoke about the current state-of-the-art in laser-based post-processing techniques for metal AM parts.
The first part of the workshop comprised seminars from the invited speakers and was followed by hands on training sessions with the laser equipment available at the laser-processing lab at KIT. Furthermore, the participants visited Formnext – the leading international exhibition on Additive Manufacturing – to meet and network with engineers and researchers from the leading AM companies and equipment manufacturers. More about the H2020 PAM2 project here.

Copyright Image: © Tobias Müller / KIT