Successful launch of CE innovation network alliances
Leipzig, 16. January 2019
In the digitalLIFE4CE project, the project partners work together with various stakeholders in seven innovation network alliances. In this way, new initiatives (e.g. projects, market entries, knowledge transfers) are created. The aim is to promote transnational knowledge management, cooperation and transfer in the field of integrated digital health solutions.
One objective of the digitalLIFE4CE project is to promote the innovative performance of the players in the digital healthcare market. In relation to seven thematic priorities (connected health and network building, digital Assistance in healthcare, digitalization for healthcare management, digitalization for Health Promotion & Prevention, Big Data and Health Care Trends, technical and organisational infrastructure, data security), digitalLIFE4CE project partners as well as stakeholders and experts from the health market, research and politics have come together in innovation network alliances within the last six months. The cooperation in the network alliances is designed for the long term in order to implement the joint strategies and action plans. All alliances started their activities last year and can look back on initial successes.
For example, partners of the Network Alliance, which is concerned with building new networks between the health sector and other interest groups to improve integrated health services, are participating as actors in a new project, called “COOP4HEALTHCARE” that seeks to improve the provision of health services through consistent cross-border cooperation in Slovenia and Austria and focuses on the development of an AAL Laboratory and new AAL concepts.
Partners of the network alliance "Big Data & Health Trends" provided know-how regarding the creation and analysis of a sensor database within the framework of a workshop. This gives learners the opportunity to transfer the concept (e.g. database infrastructure) to their CE region.
Project partners of the network alliance "Technical & Organisational Infrastructure for Integrated Healthcare" promote the market entry of a best practice solution by creating a business model. The network alliance with a focus on Health Prevention & Promotion promoted the transfer of know-how on the topic of successfully addressing target groups for digital prevention offerings within the framework of a workshop.
Partners of the network alliance "Digital Assistance in Healthcare" organised a study visit for a hospital in a German robotics centre. There, the participants learned how to integrate robotic technologies into their own hospitals. The hospital is now considering implementing new robotic assistance systems.
The activities started will be continued in the current year and supplemented by further activities. Interested parties are heartily invited to participate in the network alliance.
by Beatrice Blankschein