Study trip to Modena
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Government Office from Hungary and stakeholders joined in Study trip to Modena
In frame of the RUMOBIL project colleagues of Self-government of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County, as well as important stakeholders of the project took part on a very interesting study trip in May 2018. The Italian partners hosted the participants in Modena, who -alongside the region’s transport- could test the new service „Pronto-bus” realized in frame of the project, which is based on the principle of the on-demand transport service and helps the rural population for whom it is harder to reach the urban regions. The service is being supported by an application which uploaded to mobile phone provides the possibility to apply for the lines.
The newly gathered in experience will be forwarded to the local decision makers, to that they will be part of the national developments in the region.