Hackaton Taskforcome in Poland
– how it was
12 hours, 10 teams, 5 awards, 2 scholarships and 1 honorable mention.
On 22-23 of January Students from Poland, Ukraine and Belarus took part in the online Hackaton Taskforcome. During 12 hours of intensive work 10 teams vere involved in creating social projects on the issues of socio-economic integration of foreigners in Poland!
The event was organized by the University of Economics in Krakow, TCF HUB and the City of Krakow - Department of Social Policy and Health.
Congratulations to students for creating proposals and plans for innovative solutions that can support the integration processes in Poland.
A video summarizing the event you can find on our YouTube channel following the link: https://youtu.be/0yNiQWWDlb4