Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CZU)
The Czech University of Life Sciences (CZU) is a public university established in 1906. Currently the University has more than 18.000 students (10% are international students), 6 Faculties and 1 Institute. CZU offers over 170 accredited study programmes at BSc, MSc and PhD levels in Czech and/or English.
Faculties at CZU:
- Faculty of Economics and Management
- Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources
- Faculty of Engineering
- Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences
- Faculty of Environmental Sciences
- Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences
- Institute of Education and Communication
The aim of the research at CZU is to educate and train ambitious scientists who will be involved in international cooperation. Research outcomes have been published in peer reviewed journals and have become patents and intellectual property assets. Since 2011, more than 57 international research projects have been successfully implemented at CZU in the programmes of the European Commission and other international sources. CZU has been a partner in many international projects under the H2020 Programme and the 7th Framework Programme. CZU also has a wealth of experience with project management as a Project Coordinator in the European Economic Area and Norway grants, LIFE+, and International Visegrad Fund, within which it has led many projects.
The University is a member of EuroLeague for Life Sciences (ELLS), a prestigious network of universities, and a member of the European Forest Institute (EFI). The University is also an active member of, for example, the Union of Forest Research Organisations (IUFRO), Interuniversity Consortium for Agricultural and Related Sciences in Europe (ICA), Conference of Deans and Directors of European Forestry Faculties and Schools (ConDDFFES), and the programme of cooperation between China and 16 Central and Eastern European countries (CEEC) known as 16+1 Cooperation. CZU has a budget of € 100m (2019), more than 1 600 employees (FTE), and is the most successful Czech institution in eligible proposals in Horizon 2020, Societal Challenges 2. CZU involvement in international project consortia is stated below.
Within the TEACHER-CE project, the Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences (FFWS) is involved. The FFWS provides a comprehensive forestry education system to encourage and support rational forest management and sustainable utilization of its huge natural resources. The Faculty has become a respected international research centre. Much of the research undertaken by the Faculty is published in academic journals, presented at conferences, congresses and in educational programmes in the public media as well. Students learn both in-depth theory and practice to be well-prepared for future challenges in forestry, wood processing industry and research. The students are achieving almost 100% employment.
In 2019 the Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences celebrated the centenary of its existence. It is divided into nine departments, which cover the entire field of education, science, and cooperation with practice in the field of forestry and wood processing (forest genetics and physiology, forest protection and entomology, silviculture, forest ecology, game management and wildlife biology, forestry technologies and constructions, economics, management, wood processing and biomaterials).
Milan Lstibůrek | |
Martin Čabrada | |
Adam Kupera | |
Valérie Poupon | |

Kamýcká 129
165 21 Praha 6 - Suchdol