Saxon State Office for Environment, Agriculture and Geology
LfULG is a public body, subordinated to the Saxon State Ministry of Environment and Agriculture. It delivers decision-making support for the political level and technical recommendations for the practical level in close collaboration with partners in administration, economy, science, education and consultancy. The organisations’ thematic competences lie in the fields of risk management, water and soil management, climate change and energy management. Besides the department “Water, Soil & Recyclables” (esp. the Saxon Flood Center) further departments are integrated in the project, e.g. department “Climate, Air, Noise, Radiation”. LfULG has already successfully managed and cooperated in several projects as PP and LP in the past funding periods. We will strengthen the project by bringing in knowledge from the previous projects RAINMAN, Life Local Adapt and LUMAT.
(Project Partner from 01.03.2020 until 31.12.2020, afterwards Associated Partner)
Uwe Müller | |
Anika Albrecht | |
Bernd Spänhoff | |

August-Böckstiegel-Straße 1
01326 Dresden Pillnitz