Stakeholder training Workshop Germany
The TEACHER-CE training workshop in Saxony took place on 3rd November as an online workshop. The workshop aimed to present and discuss the TEACHER Toolbox CC-ARP-CE as well as the interim results of the pilot action in the district of Görlitz. Opportunities but also the challenges and barriers in the implementation of adaptation measures were discussed.
The workshop was divided into two parts. In the first part, the TEACHER-CE Toolbox and its main tools were presented and feedback from the participants - potential users of the Toolbox - was gathered. It was discussed how the toolbox could support stakeholders working in the water management sector to adapt to climate change. It was reviewed which tools of the Toolbox could be used in the field of water management, what are the requirements for these tools and what improvements of the Toolbox are needed.
In the second part of the workshop, INFRASTRUKTUR & UMWELT ENVIRONMENT (Stefanie Weiner and Anna Goris) presented an in-depth look at the challenges (issues) in the field of water management that exist in the pilot action. Interim results were presented with regard to potential adaptation measures and their assessment (voting). On the one hand, possibilities of heavy rain risk management through spatial planning instruments were presented. On the other hand, the focus was on study results with regard to synergies of adaptation measures to heavy rain risks and heat stress/drought through water sensitive urban design. In this context, the participants also discussed which role strategies can have for successful adaptation in the field of water management.
The fruitful discussion will be very helpful for the further development of the toolbox and will be considered for the project implementation.