Territorial needs assessment & Transnational Studies
June, 8th 2018.
As a starting point for future activities the socio-economic (with a focus on cross-border commuting and transport) as is situation has been mapped by a common methodology developed for the 8 cross-border areas/regions. These deliverables are called Territorial Needs Assessments. They provide an overview of border sections by a thematic questionnaire filled by the project partners and applied desk research at the 8 cross-border areas around Central Europe.
In the next phase an overall transnational study first contextualises the demographic and background of the macro region. Then it summarises and expands input provided by project partners in their analysis of territorial needs and in the related: questionnaires, reports on stakeholder involvement, and reports on cross-border governance structures.
More into detail, the above mentioned analysis has been carried out by keeping in mind the main challenges already identified by CONNECT2CE:
a) increase of urban population vs. rural depopulation;
b) peripheral/cross-border areas not linked efficiently to urban areas;
c) no integration of different public transport modes
d) decline of passenger rail transport and higher growth rates in car traffic, leading to increases in CO2 emissions and other external costs of transportation.
“Enhancement of PT planning capacities for better regional and cross-border passenger transport in Central Europe” work package (WPT1) includes therefore a general introductory volume and three thematic volumes as reported below:
- 1. volume: includes an introductory study summarizing the main socio-economic and cross-border transport conditions of the related regions. It gives a general introductive overview of the main characteristics of the regions involved in the light of the main proposed challenges with particular reference to transport and cross-border traffic situation.
- 3 thematic volumes dealing with:
- designing PSOs/PSCs as well as on harmonising multimodal timetables/implementing regional/cross-border rail services;
- developing regional/cross-border multimodal integrated tariff schemes and tickets;
- applying Intelligent Transport System/Information & Communication Technology ITS/ICT to info mobility systems.
All of them summarized the results of individual reports and available EU best practices in order to feed transnational tools, training, pilots and strategies.
Project documentation can be downloaded from the following link: