The second project semester together!
If the I period was devoted to making the clogs moving the project machine work, the II period was devoted to making the project machine work in line with the project time plan, though registering the first setbacks usually arising in complex projects.
The partnership started to face some challenges, including a partner change and a general delay in the implementation of the investments in smart metering. Zagreb completed the installation of the thematic equipment; Treviso is close to the goal, while the Vysoèina Energy Agency started, but did not complete it, and other partners launched or finalized the public procurements, planning to make the equipment work by October. The Polish partner had to replace one of the pilot municipality and 3 pilot buildings. All partners completed the procurement of the thematic equipment that was introduced and used during the energy audits carried out in the pilots.
The common interdisciplinary didactic toolbox was completed, including financial, technical and Demand side management contents, which were partially tested on occasion of the Master Train the trainers in Krakow (20-23.02.2017), adapted and transferred at local level in 8 taylor-made local training paths.
Partners regularly started the training activities, adapting step-by-step the national training material. In all the project latitudes there was an intensive dialogue with the buildings' player chain to introduce the agreement regulating the use of the investments and to identify the possible actions to be introduced in each scenario.
The partners had the opportunity to intensify their thematic knowledge&community relationships through the organization of 2 meetings, one at the closure of the Master and the second one at the end of the I thematic workshop, organized in the Czech Republic (22.05), planned as as a communication activity crucially interlinked with the thematic content and, consequently, a new occasion of knowledge advancement for the partnership.