The third project semester together!
If the II period was devoted to making the project machine work in line with the project time plan, the III period was focused on managing the difficulties related to the complexity of the smart meters investment (which had been underestimated by the project partners), on planning the 8 pilot actions to be carried out in the 85 public buildings involved and on the thematic sharing related to the dashboard that allows the visualization of the energy consumption.
The monitoring system, based on a smart metering solution, was completely installed in the partners’ regions in Italy, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Croatia and Hungary, whereas it has still to be completed in Poland and Slovakia. Thanks to a preventive and intensive co-working process, the partnership was able to sharply deliver the so called “integrated tools” containing financial, technical and demand side management content. These tools, which can be used and combined in the 8 different pilot arenas, have been integrated in the Transnational Library, which is an open platform where inspiring contents are hosted.
A first attempt of an "energy social audit" was developed in a specific tool, available together with the others, with the aim to understand the students’ behavioural attitudes. The partners regularly continued the training activities, adapting the training material to their national contexts. In all the project latitudes there was a continuous, intensive dialogue with the buildings‘ players to codify and start to implement the pilot actions.
The partners had the opportunity to improve their thematic knowledge & community relationships through the participation in a meeting in October, at the end of the I Transnational Conference, organized in Budapest by Hegyvidek (02.10), planned as a communication activity crucially interlinked with the thematic content and, consequently, a new occasion of knowledge advancement for the partnership that could gain new insight into smart meters devices.
The partners at the meeting in Budapest: