Last 31 August 2017 the Province of Treviso participated in the Open Days Living Labs in Krakow, Poland, to present the case studies of Greenschools and TOGETHER within the workshop "Leveraging Behavioral Change for Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings".

The workshop was an intense and immersive session introducing the participants to a few success stories of Energy Efficiency achieved through incentivizing behavioral changes in the building occupants.
The actual workshop (occupying 2 slots due to the need of introducing a number of different case studies) was preceded by a study visit to the premises of the Małopolska Laboratory of Energy fficient Building (located in the city center at the Cracow University of Technology)

Click here to download the programme of the event

Click to download the presentation Green Schools Living Lab and TOGETHER Project

Click here to download the presentation Intro and questions

Click here to download the presentation of the Project of work-linked training

Enoll Krakow