Kickoff meeting in Treviso, 29-30 June 2016
Togetehr Kickoff meeting at the premises of the Province of Treviso
29th June was devoted to an overview of the Project work-packages and financial rules, the state of the art of the Subsidy Contract and Partnership Agreement. The LP presented the Implementation plan, the Organisation chart of the Management team, the Steering Committee working group structure. The Joint Secretariat’s completed the framework by presenting the Programme rules and goals. This session was followed by an overview of the communication objectives with a particular focus on the transnational communication strategy. The meeting continued with a presentation focused on the role of the Lead Partner, Work-package leaders and partners, the project layout and work flow, as well as a presentation of each partner. Finally, the partners dealt with the topic of capacity building for an enabling environment and the political buy-in to a Strategy for Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings.
30th June focused on the elaboration and integration of tools for Energy Efficiency in public buildings, and partners could make some cross-references to further thematic work-packages. The crucial issue of the thematic session was the implementation of Pilot actions connected to thematic investment in energy monitoring systems with a focus on automatic energy monitoring systems and mixed energy monitoringsystems.