Coooperation with the projects BOOSTEE-CE and GRASPINNO
The Province of Treviso, lead partner of the project TOGETHER, has recently signed two letters of technical cooperation with the project Interreg CENTRAL BOOSTEE-CE (Boosting Energy Efficiency in Central European Cities through Smart Energy Management), represented by the Bruno Kessler Foundation, and the project Interreg MED GRASPINNO, represented by the Energy Department of the Veneto Region. Both memorandums aim at favouring the exchange of technical information and of solutions for energy efficiency implemented through ERDF funds.
In addition, the Province of Treviso has become a member of the so called CRIG - City and Region Interest Group – of the project Horizon 2020 "Heat Roadmap Europe, A low carbon heating & cooling strategy for Europe”, known on occasion of the participation of the project TOGETHER in the EUSEW 2018 event!
The project TOGETHER will be presented next 24 January, on occasion of the workshop “Heat Roadmap Germany: Aligning district energy and building energy renovation - A vision on strategic integrations”, organized within the project Heat Road Map.