TOGETHER project presented to international experts on energy management 

TOGETHER project has been presented for international experts on energy management and smart metering at Paks, on 5 Jul.

The attendees – arriving from United Kingdom, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy and Lituania - are working int he SET-UP project, financed by the Interreg Europe programme.

The cooperation is focusing on the penetration of smart grids and smart metering. The Paks interregional event contributes to the work of Partners during the third semester within the three Energy  Teams  and  to  the  ongoing  exchange  of  results  in  connection  with  smart  grids.  The Paks event, besides discussing and approving the Joint Thematic Analyses had a special focus  to deal  with the  thematic area  on  consumer empowerment.

TOGETHER showed good practices on this field by introducing low-cost demand side management technics to improve energy efficiency in public buildings. Besides, participants have been informed that smart meters are used in the project to define the baseline energ performance values of the buildings and to measure the results of the DSM actions. 

Click to download Paks' presentation of the project TOGETHER

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