Section 4: Measures

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Usual problems connected with the employees’ mobility and possible solutions.

You can find possible solutions to the most common problems in this section.  There are some measures that can help to handle common problems at many institutions and workplaces. Take this list just as an nspiration because there are many more ways how to deal with the issues at your workplace. It is always important to be open to new ideas and see the connections. We would also like to point out, that some measures can be more suitable for smaller institutions and some can be perfect for the ones with hundreds of employees. It is always up to you, how you will adapt the measure and tailor it to your needs. 

Absenteeism of the employees due to health issues: Awarness raising campaigns and Making the cycling and walking more atractive.

Environmental issues: Awarness raising campaigns, Carpooling promotion, Car Sharing, Company bikes or e-bikes, Low-emission fleet and Making the cycling and walking more atractive.

Excessive dependence on individual car traffic: Awarness raising campaigns, Making the cycling and walking more atractive, Making the public transportation more actractive and Transport for employees.

High costs of business trips: Carpooling promotion, Car Sharing, Company bikes or e-bikes and Making the public transportation more actractive.

Lack of vacant parking spaces: Carpooling promotion, Car Sharing, Financial benefits for employees, Making the cycling and walking more atractive, Making the public transportation more actractive, Parking management and Transport for employees.

Late arrivals and traffic congestions: Making the cycling and walking more atractive, Making the public transportation more actractive and Transport for employees. 

Poor accessibility of the worksite: Awarness raising campaigns, Carpooling promotion, Making the cycling and walking more atractive, Making the public transportation more actractive, Parking management, Safer infrastructure and Transport for employees.

Safety issues: Safer infrastructure.

Unwillingness of the employees to change their behavior: Awarness raising campaigns, Competitions and outdoor activities and Educational activities. 

Awarness raising campaigns

  • Spread information about different options of transportation to the workplace.
  • Compare the pros and cons of specific travel modes.

How to do it?

  • Flyers, posters and other printed materials placed around the workplace.
  • Electronical communication (newsletters, web sites dedicated to employees’ mobility).
  • Contact campaign.
  • Presentation systems etc.

Tip: In case you have a big institution with a lot of employees who don’t know each other, you can try to decentralize the system. Find ambassadors or influencers among the employees who are interested about the topic. They can share the information among their colleagues and their teams more easily.

Carpooling promotion

  • Help your employees to find a matched car-pooling partner. Ideal carpooling partners should have similar working hours and make the same home-work trip.
  • Make it easier for the employees to carpool.

How to do it?

  • Booking system (manual, electronical).
  • Reserved parking spaces for car-poolers. In order to increase the advantage, the spaces should be located near the entrances of the company.
  • Reduced or eliminated charges for parking for the car-poolers (if the parking is charged).
  • Extra financial support for car-poolers: for example a cost reimbursement for the home-work trip.
  • Consider car-pool teams when organising work: change of working shifts and hours etc.

Tip: Make a pin-it map. In case you cannot use any online tool to find employees their carpooling partner, you can print out a big map of the municipality and its hinterland and put it in frequent visited place at the office. The employees can pin their home locations along with a contact, so their neighbors can commute with them.

See also:

Car sharing

  • Introduce the employees to car sharing scheme.
  • Car Sharing is a type of car rental designed to be convenient for people who want to use cars for relatively short periods of times and only pay for their usage.

How to do it?

  • Membership of the municipality (or institution) in car sharing organization.
  • Provision of space for car sharing parking in the workplace areal or surroundings.
  • Making a car-sharing system within the municipality or institution with the company cars.

Tip: Car-sharing is a model of car rental where people rent cars for short periods of time, often by the hour. They are attractive to customers who make only occasional use of a vehicle, as well as others who would like occasional access to a vehicle of a different type than they use day-to-day. The organization renting the cars may be a commercial business or the users may be organized as a company, public agency, cooperative, or ad hoc grouping.

Company bikes or e-bikes

  • Use bikes for short business trips.

How to do it?

  • Booking system (manual or electronical).
  • More quality infrastructure for cyclist (showers, lockers, etc.).
  • Ensuring bike maintenance.

Tip: In smaller towns you can motivate your employees to use company bikes for business purposes within the town. In bigger cities, it is the bike perfect mode of transportation between buildings which belong to one office or several departments.

See also:

Competitions and outdoor activities

  • Involve the employees in additional activities which are directed for propagation of sustainable modes of transportation.

How to do it?

  • Contests for employees (e. g. gekon or bike to work).
  • Leisure activities (joint trips on bikes etc.).
  • Outdoor events (possibility of e-bike or cargo bike try-outs etc.).

Tip: You can build stronger social bounds among the employees by “community” events. These bounds can be used not only for social purposes but also for example for single drivers to find themselves fellow carpoolers. 

Educational activities

  • Transfer the knowledge about the sustainable mobility principles.

How to do it?

  • Employee trainings.
  • Lectures and discussions with experts.

Financial benefits for employees

  • Reward the employees who are travelling in sustainable way.

How to do it?

  • Rewards (financial or in a form or various benefits) for travelling sustainably.
  • Financial subsidy for purchasing bike or cyclist equipment.
  • Financial contribution for carpoolers (drivers).

Low-emission fleet

  • Replace old vehicles in the company car fleet by new, less energy consuming and cleaner or electric vehicles.

How to do it?

  • New conventional fuel vehicles, or use alternative fuels such as LPG, CNG or electricity.
  • Encouragement of employees to purchase their own less polluting vehicles, by giving them a bonus.
  • Eco-driving courses.

Tip: To see the experience of the City of Leipzig /see this in section Best practices

See also: 

Making the cycling and walking more atractive

  • Build better conditions for biking and walking commuters.

How to do it?

  • Lobbying for improving the infrastructure for pedestrians and cyclists.
  • Improving pedestrian and cyclist facilities.
  • Free bike maintenance, possibility to rent a bicycle.
  • Financial contribution for bicycle and bicycle equipment.

See also: 

Making the public transportation more actractive

Excessive dependence on individual car traffic, poor accessibility of the worksite, high costs of business trips.

  • Support the use of public transportation among employees.

How to do it?

  • Lobbying for more quality public transportation (PT).
  • Financial contribution for PT tickets.
  • Selling tickets for PT at the workplace.
  • Discounts for PT (customer cards and loyalty accounts).

Possibilities to increase the quality of the collective transport trip are:

  • Reducing the distance to the stop by installing a bus stop in front of the main entry of the workplace.
  • Improving the walking route to the stop or station: safe and clean pedestrian facilities, illuminated at night, social safety.
  • Make it more convenient to wait at the bus stop or in the train station: provide services (book shop, catering,…), a covered and clean place to sit, litter bins, good lighting, and a telephone.
  • Provide good information on the transport services at the stop or station.
  • Improve the quality of vehicle: cleanliness, comfortable seating, quieter vehicles, more comfortable ride, free newspapers, minibar in the vehicle.

See also:

Parking management

  • Prioritize the parking for the employees who don’t have other options than to travel by car.

How to do it?

  • Reserved parking spaces according to well set criteria (e.g. necessity of car use for work, physical disability, social hardship (e.g. single parent with two children of school or nursery age), availability of alternative modes of transport, dependence on distances of trips, preferential parking for car-poolers etc.).
  • Charged parking.

Tip: Parking management is also the most delicate and tricky measure. You need firm principles and commitment when implementing it. Greatest attention must be paid to develop a fair and transparent system to ensure equal treatment of each employee.

See also: 

Safer infrastructure

  • Increase safety for cycling and walking.
  • Make safer on-site road infrastructure for cyclists and pedestrians.

How to do it?

  • Find barriers and remove them.
  • Make sure there is always an infrastructure for pedestrians which is comfortable to use (connects important points in the shortest possible way, low-barriers etc.).
  • Shorten the distance or the trip time for cycling and walking.
  • Secure safe parking for bicycles or kick-bikes.

Tip: We know you cannot influence the infrastructure in the whole municipality. Start on your site and within its close surroundings and afterwards connect entrances to stops of PT with suitable walking infrastructure.

Transport for employees

  • Ensure that workers are taken to the workplace if there is no suitable public transport connection available.

How to do it?

  • An employee bus or a minibus.
  • Contract with taxi service.

Tip: Make more efficient operation of existing private bus transport, with regard to the two determining factors: time of the trip and distance between home and bus-stop or organisation of a new bus system with regard to the same criteria. It is a good opportunity to improve the existing private bus service (or to make it more cost efficient) is to integrate the (private) bus service with existing public transport services.

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