Section 2: Online tools for mobility planning
...previos section 1: METHODOLOGY...
A number of tools which are helpful during the process of mobility planning can found already online. Have a look.
Movecit mobility survey - The on-line questionaire designed for municipal authorities and other institutions. The tool enables collection of data during mobility survey.

Mobility Manager by MOVESION - Mobility Manager provides a detailed picture of mobility habits of workers, their needs and their ability to switch to other and more sustainable mobility solutions.

Self Assessment Tool - The Tool is a questionnaire about the SUMP development process and its content, structured along the first 9 steps of the SUMP Guidelines. It enables planning authorities to measure their progress towards a genuine Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan.

Measure Option Generator - The Option Generator allows users to create a list of ranked policy instruments based on individual search criteria.

MaxEva - MaxEva is an interactive web tool that guides you in the evaluation and collection of monitoring data of mobility management projects. MaxEva automatically calculates the effects in terms of reduced mileage and reduced carbon dioxide.

From5to4 - Mobility game from the Netherlands. The aim of the game is to encourage employees to travel to work more smartly (e.g. walking, cycling, public transport and car sharing) as well as having fun competing against their friends and colleagues at the same time. In return, the F5T4 game gives employees information about how much energy they have saved, calories burned as well as the opportunity to win prizes.

Transportation Calculator - The transportation calculator calculates the environmental impacts per personkilometer (pkm) or tonkilometer (tkm) of the chosen means of transport and the given load.

Mobility Labelling for Companies and Industrial Zones - On line diagnostic self-assessment tool.Respondents answer a number of questions on key mobility themes and on their efforts in promoting and managing mobility policy. These are assessed and the respondent assigned a specific mobility label.

AJO carsharing: Is it worthwhile to own a car? Many cars spend 90% of their service life at a parking place. For their owners, it would be more convenient and cost-effective to engage in carsharing. The on-line calculator calculates actual costs associated with car ownership (only in Czech).