ICT Tools training
Idrija (Slovenia)
Activity: ICT Tools (GIS and BIM systems) training for enhanced sustainable HBA management.
Target: Decision makers
Participants: General public, Decision makers, Technicians, Local public authority, Sectoral agency, Higher education and research, Business support organization

The event involved different experts, stakeholders, entrepreneurs and others related to HBA management with interest to improve their nderstanding and skills when working with BIM and GIS systems.
The ICT Tools training was held in Idrija and led by Franc Zakrajšek (UIRS), focusing on IT tools designed to enhance HBA management.
The training, which started with the presentation of BhENEFIT project, aimed to raise awareness about available and existing ICT tools related to HBA management, effective use of GIS and BIM technologies related to HBA management. For illustration some best practice examples have been presented. Before the discussion WEB‐GIS platform and Decision Support System based on HBIM developed within the BhENEFIT project have been presented.