Bay Zoltan Applied Research Nonprofit LTD. developed the door-to-door navigation system for urban system, for partially sighted and blind people - VUK - Visionless sUpporting frameworK - Visually impaired Framework. The voice-guided navigation is available in Hungarian, English, and German.  

The mobile application for navigation was created by 8 partners. Launched in 2016, the 36-month project was funded by the EU Horizon 2020 Framework Program AAl (Active and Assisted Living) application program and national sources from the National Office for Research, Development, and Innovation. Launched in 2008 by the European Commission, the AAL program aims to provide innovative ICT solutions to improve the quality of life of elder people. The Member States participating in the initiative co-finance the AAL proposals, and Hungary provides about 150 million HUF a rear from the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund. According to the European Federation of the Blind, approximately 30 million people in Europe have some form of vision impairment. As a result of aging societies, an increasing proportion - currently, almost 70% of the population is over sixty everyday activities are also challenging for them - here comes the solution created by Bay Zoltan.