The Synergic Crowd Innovation Platform is almost ready!
The Synergy team from Wroclaw University of Science & Technology (WrUST) is in the last stages of finishing the works on Synergic Crowd Innovation Platform (SCIP). It will be an online tool, where different types of newly designed services enhancing crowd innovation initiatives will be available. Platform will be a place where industrial companies can define their needs and problems and researchers can deliver jointly developed solutions.
The Synergy Crowd Innovation Platform will enable i.a. crowdsourcing for innovation and innovative solutions, mutual collaboration on research projects, setting up cooperation and microworking, crowdfunding for small research projects and possibility to exchange resources among different Central European regions (HR, equipment & infrastructure).
The platform will be ready very soon so the first pilot actions will start in the beginning of 2020 and we will be happy if you could join us!