Training on workplace mobility planning in Bratislava
Bratislava (Slovakia), 19. June 2018
Elaboration of workplace mobility plans was the focus of the training organized by the Slovak partner, Ekopolis Foundation in Bratislava at June 19 in course of the MOVECIT project. 47 participants from 27 public and private organizations (municipalties, state organizations, private organizations, NGOs) learnt process of the Workplace Mobility Plan (WMP) elaboration, its preconditions, steps and approaches.

The preparation of WMP was exampled by the Workplace Mobility Plan of the Municipality Office in Banská Bystrica, provided by Ján Roháč from the Ekopolis Foundation. He explained individual steps of the WMP preparation and how to proceed them and he provided also valuable lessons learnt.

Mr. Eduard Matula from the Slovenská sporiteľňa bank explained concrete measures of encouraging employees to commute by bike.
Ms. Bobrovská from the Martin Municipality Office presented approaches to develop sustainable mobility at the Martin Municipality office as well as in the town of Martin.
Ms. Andrea Štulajterová from Banská Bystrica presented positive impact of awareness raising campaigns like the Bike to Work on sustainable commuting.
Mr. Jerome Simpson from the Regional Environmental Center presented a lot of examples and appoaches of sustinable mobility used across Europe.
Each of the presentations was accompanied by fruitfull discussions as far the workplace mobility planning is a brand new concept in Slovakia and it raises rather a lot of interest. The MOVECIT project plays a pioneer role in introducing of this theme in Slovakia.
The training was accompanied by announcing of national wide results of the Bike to Work competition thus the Minister of Transportation Mr. Arpád Érsek and the State Secretary of the Ministry of Environment Mr. Norbet Kurilla visited the event shortly what significantly improved the reach and impact of the event among participating staleholders.