Ericsson NT on citizen engagement @ DaNTe 2017
On November 8th 2017, in the Rijeka City Hall the 12th Day of New Technologies - DaNTe 2017 was held, organized by the City of Rijeka Information Technology Department and the ICT Association of MIPRO. The program included topics of interest for CIOs, Policy Makers and City Managers leading innovation in their cities such as: eGovernment, impact of emerging technology on public administration, role of local public services in digital economy boosting, local democracy in a social media world, innovation in public services, local providers in urban innovation and digitalisation of public sector services for sustainable cities etc. In the introductory part the Mayor Vojko Obersnel, head of the Information Technology Department Željko Jurić, and Jadranko Novak, Vice President of MIPRO, addressed the meeting.
All delegates participated in informal discussions and share ideas, initiatives, experiences and have the opportunity to learn from each other. Ericsson Nikola Tesla's Damir Medved presented current status and next steps of URBAN INNO project and Rijeka pilot. Special focus within URBAN INNO introduction was on collaboration platform and citizens’ engagement.
Official page:
Damir Medved (Ericsson NT) in discussion with participants
Damir Medved (Ericsson NT) presenting URBAN INNO