KTP pilot Chatbot SAM presented at national congress Smart City
The ‘Smart City - assumptions and perspectives’ Congress is the only cyclical and regional event in Poland. The event is an excellent opportunity to deepen knowledge, exchange experience and establish numerous business contacts. The goal of the event is to create a platform for cooperation and exchange of experience in the field of smart city between entrepreneurs and local government authorities as well as business. This year the event took place at 15th November 2018 in Warsaw.
Over 120 people from all over Poland took part in the event. The participants were representatives of municipalities, government (Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Investment and Development, Ministry of the Interior and Administration, Ministry of Foreign Affairs), universities (i.e. AGH University of Science and Technology, Military Technical Academy, University of Warsaw, Lodz University of Technology, Warsaw University of Technology, University of Lodz) and other institutions (i.e. National Energy Conservation Agency, World Congress of Poles in Sweden, Embassy of the Kingdom of Sweden). The participant were also the representatives of innovation centres (Warsaw), technology parks (Płock, Kielce). The event has nationwide character.
The main part of Congress was discussion and presentations about the problems and solutions for contemporary and future smart city. In between panels, talks were held with individual character.
Mr. Marcin Januchta, the manager of the Promotion and PR Department in Kielce Technology Park, provided main information about the URBAN INNO project, stakeholders, and partnerships. It was the introduction to the main topic - The Pilot of KTP. Mr. Rafał Sadłowski, CEO AI Force1, provided presentation 'Connecting ecosystem partners as a recipe for smart cities. Chatbot SAM - the KTP pilot as part of the URBAN INNO project'. The presentation covered information about the artificial intelligence idea, possibility of using it in communications, cooperations, building relation between business, high education, institutions od business support and citizens. He introduced SAM. Chabot Kielce Technology Park, its potential, possibilities. He discussed the principle of the Pilot's operation, its main advantages, the scheme of operation, current and future functionalities.
Kielce Technology Park implements the pilot project: Artificial Intelligence SAM in Technology Park. Thanks to the meeting the cooperation model based on quadruple helix was presented and disseminated, but what is important the idea of the URBAN INNO project and The KTP Pilot was disseminated and presented to potential, future stakeholders.

KTP Pilot presentation and discussion panel

KTP pilot - Chatbot SAM