Karlsruhe pilot: eDrais2017 at SmartCity Expo in Barcelona
The SmartCity Expo World Congress 2018 in Barcelona (13-15 November 2018) had three days of in-depth debates about essential topics of smart urban development. The five pillars of discussion consisted of ‘Digital transformation’, ‘Urban environment’, ‘Mobility’, ‘Governance and finance’, and ‘Inclusion and sharing cities’. The focus of the event lays on sustainability and this year, the termination of single-use plastics as part of the ‘Towards Zero Waste’ Initiative was of main importance. The exhibition is a yearly format and has partners form all over the world. Starting with non-profit organisations like UN-Habitat, the European Commission or ICLEI (Local Governments for Sustainability) to big economic players like SAP, CISCO, or Huawei support the realisation of the event.
This year, more than 21.000 visitors from the general public participated in lively discussions on the future of our cities with more than 8.000 exhibitors, with over 700 city representatives and more than 400 speakers, representing 146 countries.
The Karlsruhe Pilot of the URBAN INNO Project used the opportunity to present itself in the scope of Karlsruhe.digital – a local initiative that works towards the goal of making the City of Karlsruhe the engine and pioneer of digitization.
Through the participation at the SmartCity World Expo Congress in Barcelona, the local pilot project could be presented to a much broader and more international public. Additionally, the dissemination of the URBAN INNO Project could be extended – the awareness for the engagement of citizens in the urban development process could be strengthened especially among the present city representatives.
Check it out here: http://www.smartcityexpo.com/en/home

The SmartCity Expo World Congress 2018 in Barcelona