Košice Innovation network and Pilot presented at ‘Innovations in Bio-Economy’ workshop
On 30th January 2018, the Technical University in Košice (TUKE) presented the Pilot activities and the Quadruple-helix Urban Innovation Network (UI4) being launched in the Košice region (Slovakia) under the framework of URBAN INNO project at the workshop “Social-, Service-, and Eco-innovations in Bio-Economy: Best Practice Workshop on Capacities and Opportunities” in Nitra, Slovakia. The event was organized under INTERREG Danube project Made in Danube by ZSI - Centre for Social Innovation (Vienna, Austria) in cooperation with the Union of Slovak Clusters (UKS). Overall, 31 representatives from national authorities, sectoral agencies, researchers, clusters, companies and NGOs active in the sector of Agriculture, primarily from Slovakia, attended the event.
Technical University of Kosice representatives presented URBAN INNO activities in combined way: the presentation at the workshop itself and at the close exhibition kiosk. At this event, to exploit the high attendants’ relevancy to the field of Agriculture, the presentation was primarily focused on the presentation of new UI4 Network in the Region of Košice, as well as on pilot activities realized in Košice region – the Digital Marketplace for Local Food Products.
The workshop was an excellent opportunity to raise the visibility of the Košice UI4 network and pilot project, enabling networking with highly relevant actors in the domain of Agriculture. Mainly the contacts to national authorities, performing the surveillance in the Food related parts of Economy, will be crucial for setting the proper operations of the project pilot outcomes and other activities implemented by the Innovation network. Besides, URBAN INNO attracted the attention of several actors active in the innovation processes, coming from several Central European counties.
More info http://www.interreg-danube.eu/news-and-events/project-news/1734
Martin Dujčák (TUKE) presenting Košice pilot

URBAN INNO exhibition stand