URBAN INNO team on 6th PSC meeting and Mid-term review
For the 6th time URBAN INNO partnership gathered in Eisenstadt (AT) to discuss ongoing and upcoming activities within the project progress. However, this time the Mid-term review also took place, therefore the Interreg CE Joint Secretariat (JS) representative Ms. Chiara Casarella has joined the meeting.
The meeting, held on 6-7 March 2018, was an opportunity for projects partners to present activities carried so far, their results and progress. Project manager Ms. Tina Ragužin (City of Rijeka) presented key indicators and achievements in the first part of project implementation, following by Work packages (WP) leaders, who also introduced Ms. Casarella on main issues within project’s thematic fields. Special focus was on recently established quadruple-helix urban innovation (4UI) networks, as well as on local pilot projects, which were all presented in their main terms: purpose, objectives, stakeholders involved, expected benefits and development stage. The conclusion on Mid-term review was that project is progressing well and no major issues were identified. Ms. Casarella expressed her satisfaction with achieved project results, and provided recommendations to be taken into account for the next project periods.
The next day WP leaders highlighted planned activities and tasks to be done until the end of 4th project period. The launching events of 4UI networks, Training for smart participatory toolbox facilitators, Pilot projects evaluation and workshops and trainings planned for development of Transnational innovation cooperation strategy were the main topics which will mark the current period. The next PSC meeting, planned for May 2018, will be held in Maribor (SI).

URBAN INNO project team with JS representative Ms. Chiara Casarella
JS representative Ms. Chiara Casarella at URBAN INNO Mid-term review

Mr. Marco Combetto (Informatica Trentina) presenting progress in Work Package 3 - pilot activities