Visit of the High Representative of EASME in Slovenia on April 3-4th. 4. 2019, Ljubljana, Maribor, Koper
Between 3-5 April 2019, the Slovenian Consortium of the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN), coordinated by the Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI), was visited by Marija Popović, representative of the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME).
In three days, various appointments and meetings were held, where, in addition to various themes, the topic how to incorporate already recognisable qualities and experiences of individual partners of the consortium (Jožef Stefan Institute, University of Maribor, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, Chamber of Craft And Small Business of Slovenia, the Maribor Development Agency, the University of Primorska and SPIRIT Slovenia) into the value chain that provides services to small and medium-sized enterprises, the research community and other stakeholders of the business ecosystem.
Whether it is aid in protecting and placing intellectual property in the industry, finding suitable business partners, helping to prepare the offer or demand for business or technological cooperation in the EEN database, organising and informing about international co-operation meetings and missions, or any of the remaining services, Slovenian EEN will remain loyal to its principles, according to which we offer support to the Slovenian industry.
You will be able to find out more about events and other information based on this visit in the future via EEN - website, Facebook and Twitter.