Workshop on improving inland cross-border intermodal connectivity (Trieste)
31st October 2019
The CEI-Executive Secretariat in Trieste hosted a workshop on 31st October focusing on identifying strategic priorities to improve inland and cross-border intermodal connectivity.

The event was opened by CEI Secretary General, Roberto Antonione, gathered key stakeholders - representatives from the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, the Municipalities of Koper and Trieste, private and public transport operators (Trieste Trasporti, Ferrovie Udine Cividale, Trenitalia) as well as two representatives from the European Groups of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC Euregio Senza Confini and EGTC GO).
Speakers - following the implementation of the project’s pilot actions in the region, train and Trieste Ljubljana integrated ticket - discussed the CONNECT2CE support to a strategic approach for the future development of multimodal and cross-border transport on land. Participants addressed the importance of institutional cooperation, the potential of innovative ICT tools for promoting public transport as well as new patterns for promoting modal shift and sustainable mobility (MaaS - Mobility as a Service).
The discussion – moderated by Paolo Dileno, CEI Project Manager – allowed local stakeholders to identify the aspects that can be improved as well as future opportunities for boosting intermodal connectivity (such ESOF 2020).