Partners from Pomurje experienced history, presence and future of brewery in Mazovia
The cross visit of the Project Partners from Slovenia to Mazovia region took place on 15-16th June 2018. On Friday 15th June there was a meeting with the Regional Stakeholder Group in the Centre of Culture and Art in Sierpc. Its aim was the exchange of the experiences between the Project Partners and presentation of the part of the cultural heritage of Mazovia region. During the meeting a lecture on the history of the brewery in Sierpc took place, followed then by the discussion on how to involve youth in cultural heritage and craft.
After the meeting the guests could visit the Muzeum of Mazovian Countryside in Sierpc.
On Saturday 16th June the visit continue including participation in the I Festival of Home Brewers in Warsaw. During the Festival project YouInHerti was presented. There was a project stand, where the detailed information on the project was given and some thematic competitions held. The participants of the Festival could know better the traditional methods of brewing, presented by the best experts in this field. They could also listen to thematic lectures related to YouInHerit project and vote for the best project and the best festival stand.