Partners from Mazovia experienced rich cultural heritage in Pomurje


The cross visit of the Project Partners from Mazovia to Pomurje region took place on 20th and 21st of July.

Friday, 20th of July was dedicated to the meeting of Project Partners with Regional Stakeholder Group in the premises of the Municipality Beltinci. The aim of the meeting was the exchange of the experiences between Project Partners, exchange of success stories and issues/challenges that Project Partners were facing with during the implementation of Pilot Action. During the meeting guests were introduced with rich cultural heritage and tradition that still lives in the area of Municipality Beltinci.

Meeting with RSG in Beltinci

After the meeting the site visit was organized. During the site visit guests had opportunity to experience how cultural tradition is involved in life of inhabitants from Pomurje. They visited Museum of Pharmacy and Folklore in Beltinci Castle, Pottery village in Filovci, where they had opportunity to observe how traditional pottery products are produced. They also visited church in Bogojina which is decorated with local pottery products, and floating mill on river Mura in Ižakovci.  Site visit was completed with the visit of eco-garden of the stakeholder social enterprise ZRIRAP. First evening of the cross visit in Pomurje was finished on 48th International Folklore Festival in Beltinci.

Pottery village in Filovci

Cross visit continued on Saturday 21st of July with the meetings of Project Partners. We discussed about cultural heritage and tradition in Municipality Beltinci and Pomurje, about involvement of youth in project activities, about already implemented Pilot activities and about possibilities for disseminating the project results. Second meeting took place at the International Folklore Festival in Beltinci where we discussed leaflet on milling and pottery route in Pomurje which was developed during Pilot Action in Pomurje. Later guests attended the Fair of local crafts, traditions and culinary at the Festival and visited YouInHerit info point. There was a project stand where visitors of the festival, especially youth received information about the project and about the developed milling-pottery route in Pomurje. Later in the evening guests from Mazovia had opportunity to attend  the ethno evening at the Festival.

Wedding caller at the Folklore festival in Beltinci