Pilot in Poland, Mazovia
Pilot type: Capacity building
Title of the pilot: Capacity building through trainings for local authorities and stakeholders, with active youth involvement, including exhibition on cultural heritage and Festival of Home Brewers
The activities implemented within Mazovia pilot action included trainings on capacity building, participation in the beer festival and a thematic exhibition about the history of brewing in Sierpc.
Trainings on capacity building for local stakeholders and decision makers were performed consisting of both theoretical and practical sessions in March, April and May 2018. In March, lectures were focusing on the history of brewery in Sierpc, then a presentation on the future of traditional regional brewery took place. It was accompanied by interesting exercises concerning soft skills contributing to a smooth interaction between youth and major stakeholders. The session in April was mostly dedicated to representatives of local and regional administration offices. This session comprised further development of soft skills important for cooperation, interpersonal skills improvement (e.g. presentation skills) accompanied by practical sessions of beer brewing. The session in May aimed to continue development of soft skills (e.g. cooperation skills) and was accompanied by a joint meeting with the stakeholders and the youth, focusing on the evaluation of the training.

The main result of the pilot action is the involvement of stakeholders from many public institutions and young people and their vivid interaction.

Number of youth reached: 40