Young Hopes 2 Workshop
How to Use Your Research Work for Marketing Purpose
November 29th 2019 @ JSI, Ljubljana / Slovenia
On Friday Nov 29th 2019, the Center for Technology Transfer and Innovation (CTT) at the Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI) hosted a workshop, “Young Hopes 2 - How to Use Your Research Work for a Marketing Purpose” for Early-Stage researchers.
In order to bridge the gap between the academic and business spheres, it was presented in what way study and/or research ideas, knowledge and inventions at public research institutions can be transferred to the business world, what are the possible business models of cooperation with industry, how to develop and who in the support environment can help researchers with this.
Robert Blatnik, M.Sc., from CTT presented support services for innovation and collaboration with industry, which we provide for researchers at the Center for Technology Transfer and Innovation (CTT) at the Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI). In addition to international programs and networks of support institutions, he highlighted a consortium of technology transfer offices of eight leading public research institutions in Slovenia providing support services to researchers.Matej Purger of ABC Accelerator outlined the supportive environment for entrepreneurship and innovation and international programs to accelerate the development of technology-based business models.
The basic message of the workshop was that the conceptual design of applied application of the results of research work, which are often unstructured in the early stages of development and do not take into account all the aspects that are important for replicable sales of products and services on the market, can be effectively and quickly structured in the planned business model, with a variety of support programs available to researchers in a supportive environment, publicly available tools and financial resources.