aMo Study trip in the city of Osterburg
The pilot project of Saxony-Anhalt has introduced two new bus services in the cities of Möser and Osterburg to connect the rural areas surrounding the two towns to the main centers. This initiative is characterized by the fact that bus drivers are local volunteers, service costs are significantly reduced compared to a traditional service as normally the 70% of costs are linked to driving personnel and the buses were purchased with a dimension and configuration optimized for this type of service. aMo has visited the practice in the city of Osterburg and the main lesson learned is that it is possible to find forms of production of a public transport service that allow the activation of services with a low operating cost, feasible in areas where traditional transport systems would be unsustainable from an economic point of view. For the italian Stakeholders was important to learn that public transport services can be thought and activated also from local communities and not only supplied from the regional Authorities that does not have the administrative opportunity to develop tailored services for this kind of rural areas with a low demand and low density of inhabitants.