Individual consultations are available
from 29 November 2021 to 11 February 2022

For all lead applicants, we offer a single, non-compulsory individual consultation of their project idea. Our experts in the joint secretariat can be booked for a 45-minute slot to discuss the relevance of your project idea and to answer questions related to contents, communications and finances. 

Please note that only one consultation can be granted per project idea!
We recommend that ideas should already be in a more mature development stage when requesting the consultation

If your questions are rather basic, it might be better to first consult our dedicated video tutorials on project development or to get in touch with our helpdesk. We also offer a series of live Q&A webinars on our applicant community to answer more general questions on the call framework, on thematic scope and on work plan and budget development.

Individual consultations can be exclusively requested on our applicant community and will also be held on that platform. Please note, that no additional information apart from your project idea (as entered in the applicant community) shall be submitted to the joint secretariat. If you wish to keep your project idea unpublished, let us know by emailing to

More tips and hints to consider before requesting your consultation are presented below.


Step 1

Develop your project idea 

To make the most of your  consultation, your idea should be already in a mature stage. If you can easily answer the following questions, you might be advanced enough:

  • What is the specific challenge you want to solve? 
  • What kind of change do you envision, and for whom?
  • Have you outlined your objectives, activities, and results already?

Step 2

Self-assess Your project idea

Your project idea (as entered on the applicant community) is the only information, which the joint secretariat accepts before the consultation. Make sure the description is clear, concise, and to the point. You are not drafting your application form, yet! However, you could make use of our self-assessment tool and double-check whether your plans are sound and relevant, or if they need more fine-tuning.

Step 3

request your consultation slot

If your self-assessment tells you that you are ready, we recommend to request your consultation slot. Consultations take place in our applicant community, so if you are not a member yet, start by registering. On the platform you can then post your project idea in the "Browse Ideas" section. Once it is published, you will be able to request your consultation. More information  is available on the community itself.


Prepare for your  consultation

You have put a lot of thought into drafting and self-assessing your idea. To ensure that you make the most of the 45-minute slot with our experts, prepare for it! At the beginning of the consultation, you will be asked to summarise your idea. Rehearse your speech and prepare your questions. If you are not sure about something, or you did not find the information you need in our documents, this is your opportunity to ask about it.

individual consultations in numbers


per project idea


minutes PER


start date



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