- A joint agenda to exploit the combination of Interreg, Horizon and national/ regional based R&D initiatives
- – 18.01.2018, Rome –
A great workshop was held in Rome at the beginning of the year 2018, whit the participation of some of the Italian Regional Reference Sites of ProMIS – as organisers – and the European partners of the “DigitalLife”Project.
The main goal of the workshop was the creation of the preconditions for strong, long term cooperation in the field of digital health between public and private stakeholders, trying to identify concrete short term and mid-term actions, like joint cooperation in future national and international projects.
From the DigitalLife4CE, Mr. Oscar Mayora (Bruno Kessler Foundation) shared the rationale of the main Digital4LIFE “chapters” and summarized which working groups have been already established within the frame of the project, that inside Central Europe- Interreg Programme 2014-2020, is looking for novel solutions in the field of Digital Integrated Healthcare Systems.
Besides of the project presentation, European stakeholders of digital healthcare solutions made their own presentations about existing models, good practices and showcase. Presentations from Veronika Strotbaum (ZTG- DE) and Ad Van der Berlo (Smart Homes- NL) raised joint thinking within the participants.
The Digital Healthcare Excellence Spots & European projects realized by the Italian Regions presentation done by ProMIS allowed an insight of existing examples of not only new solutions in the digital health but also interesting evaluation methodology of the population’s health status. Finally, Mr. Cristian Leorin, (expert evaluator Horizon2020 Program) presented the H2020 program in terms of priorities, objectives and impacts.
The workshop started a lot of new conversations, created new connections between regions, actions and experts. Because of this fact, the participants agreed to have at least one meeting each year for joint cooperation. After the workshop, participants had the chance to visit the “Health & Aging sector investments, European funds and human resources: the post 2020 perspective” conference at the Ministry of Health as well.
by Àkos Eder