Capitalisation process in Trentino

Trento, 25. June 2019

In the framework of the capitalization strategy foreseen by digitalLIFE4CE project, Trentino partners laid down the foundations for future foresight and strategic cooperation.

In April, Fondazione Bruno Kessler had a first capitalisation meeting within the EIT Digital Trento Node Network. FBK representative, Oscar Mayora, had the chance to introduce the DigitalLIFE4CE project to the public, composed of public representative of EIT Digital, SMEs and students of the EIT Digital master programme. A letter of support was signed between FBK and EIT Digital with the purpose of allowing visibility of DL4CE outcomes and for possible collaborations with partners of the EIT Digital Community.

 At the end of May, the Autonomous Province of Trento got a letter of support by Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, as Lead Partner of ASTAHG project (

The ASTAHG project aims to help Alpine Space regional governments in implementing and monitoring their AHA policies, local governments in identifying the most suitable initiatives for their territorial context and social innovators in channelling their services and products through local and international funding opportunities.

Considering the activities carried on by TrentinoSalute4.0 in the field of Digital Health for Active and Healthy Ageing, the twinning among digitalLIFE4CE and ASTAHG will help both projects to capitalize results, ensure long-term benefits of the outcomes and give more visibility to each of them.

by Sara Testa & Riccardo Farina