The End - NewPilgrimAge Project
After 3 years, the NewPilgrimAge project came to its end. After a very successful online closing ceremony held by Szombathely, we are almost finished. It was a very nice journey and all of the partners, and the people as well who worked on this project gained lots of new knowledge and memories. What more is there left to say? We have this full website as lecture note about everything. Before saying goodbye, we have a few words from the partners as well:
During the online conference, Ágnes Győrffy from Szombathely summarized the most important lessons for the Municipality of Szombathely and also for everyone else involved. By clicking on the photo, you will be redirected to this exact video.

Zvjezdana Budor Klarić, project manager for Partner Dugo Selo: "At the end of the NewPilgrimAge project I can say that it has been a great experience. We encountered a lot of challenges but we ((Partners of the project in cooperation with local communities)) solved it together. We made consensus about strategic documents and arranged future cooperation ( Joint visibility strategy). Knowledge and experience sharing among Partners and with local community was the essence of the project."
We also have a heartfelt song from Davide Geddo from Albenga called "Amore tra parentesi" which can be watched by clicking on the photo again.

Giovanni Follador, mayor of Unpli Veneto:"The project "NewPilgrimAge" has been a great experience for the Pro Loco Organizations in Veneto. We managed to involve in the project several partners that choose to believe in the same purposes and finally we succeed in creating a network. We achieved some of our goals that in my opinion are extremely important, such as spreading the knowledge of the Saint Martin Route in a institutional context. Even the regional government of Veneto has recognized the "Via di San Martino" among the most important routes of this territory. So finally we hope that this recognition will lead to the promotion of the route. We also created a working group with Pro Loco Organizations and other stakeholders, statutory corporations, and municipalities in order to achieve another great goal in a long term perspective, that is becoming a recognized cultural hub. Thanks to this project we successfully took the first step toward this final achievement in the context of the promotion of the Saint Martin Route."
Alenka Likar Mastnak, project manager of the NewPilgrimAge project at the Municipality of Maribor"The NewPilgrimAge project is go great importance to the Municipality of Maribor, as it is not only about protecting and preserving cultural heritage, but also about promoting agues such as solidarity and hospitality. Within the framework of the NewPilgrimAge project, we made the MariborTour application, with the most important sights along the St. Martin's Route and the Old Vine, as well as a questions and quiz about the oldest Vine that we have here in Maribor. The NewPilgrimAge project has established excellent cooperation and trust among the partners, and we would like to see further cooperation, among our partners in the future."
We also have the press release materials available for anyone interested - here. If you have anything to share, ask or tell, please join our facebook community where you can discuss anything related to this project. All of the previous articles are found on our website, along with downloadable documents as well. Among those you can check out the final handbook, which is on of the biggest achievements of this project in five languages.
Farewell, we hope St. Martin will protect you on your journey! - The NewPilgrimAge project team